April Newsletter

2020 Law Day Celebration

Given the current gathering restrictions, the Law Day Celebration has been cancelled. Instead, the Augusta Bar Association invites its members to participate in the Legal Food Frenzy as a way to celebrate Law Day.


Hunger in Georgia

1 in 5 kids in Georgia live in food insecure households, meaning they don’t always know where their next meal is coming from.
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How You Help

With every $1 you raise, the food banks can distribute $8 worth of groceries into the community. Engage your supervisors, colleagues, clients, friends, and family for the greatest impact!
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The Impact

Georgia’s lawyers have raised over $2.3 million dollars, the equivalent of over 9.6 million meals since the start of Legal Food Frenzy.

The Georgia Legal Food Frenzy is a two-week virtual fund drive competition created in partnership with the Georgia Attorney General, the State Bar and YLD, and the Georgia Food Bank Association. The competition is open to EVERYONE in the legal community to see which law firm, legal organization, and corporate/in-house counsel can have the biggest impact on hunger. Everything raised stays LOCAL and benefits the regional food bank that serves your community. The competition begins ON MONDAY! To register, click the link below.

[button link=”https://augustabar.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bffc522c3a57a8aad4a338b1a&id=b1a7e20cb0&e=35dd71f6fc” color=”blue”]Register for the Legal Food Frenzy[/button]

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Virtual Mediation Announcement from the ADR Office

With the current COVID-19 situation, many judges throughout the Augusta Judicial Circuit are allowing mediation via video conference in lieu of appearing in person. Pursuant to the AJC ADR Program Rules, the ADR office encourages attorneys continue to notify their office of the selected mediator and the mediation date prior to the scheduled session.

A video mediation guide from the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution may be found at the link below. In addition, the Augusta ADR Office is providing Zoom training for mediators; there is a training scheduled this afternoon and another on April 21st. Further, the ADR office will supply our membership with a list of mediators who are conducting virtual meditations.

You may contact the ADR Program Director, Debbie Goode, at dgoode@augustaga.gov.

[button link=”https://augustabar.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=bffc522c3a57a8aad4a338b1a&id=750c93388d&e=35dd71f6fc” color=”blue”]Video Mediation Guide[/button]

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We hope everyone is safe and healthy during these difficult times. Please do not hesitate to contact us with announcements or questions.