August News and Events

Augusta Bar Association Monthly Luncheon Rescheduled

Dear Members — In light of the recent increase in COVID cases and in order to present a more comprehensive update on the status of our judicial circuits for our members, the Augusta Bar Association monthly luncheon scheduled for Tuesday, August 10th has been rescheduled for Tuesday, August 24th at 12:30 p.m. at The Pinnacle Club. We will send more information in the coming week.

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Announcement from the Office of the District Attorney for the Columbia Judicial Circuit

The contact information and service address for the District Attorney’s Office for the Columbia Judicial Circuit can be found below.

The Office of District Attorney
Columbia Judicial Circuit
Bobby L. Christine
7045 Evans Town Center Blvd., 4th Floor
Evans, GA 30809
Main: 706-447-6780
Fax: 706-447-6792

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Augusta Judicial Circuit’s Extension of the Judicial Emergency Order for Richmond and Burke Counties

Attached please find copies of the Augusta Judicial Circuit’s Extension of the Judicial Emergency Order for Richmond and Burke Counties.

AJC Emergency Order for Richmond County. 

AJC Emergency Order for Burke County. 

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Announcement from the Augusta Bar Foundation

The Augusta Bar Foundation wants to thank the following bar members who have either donated to the Foundation or pledged to support the Foundation in the last month. Thank you for your dedication to our mission to support at risk and/or disadvantaged youth within Burke, Columbia, and Richmond Counties.

Donna Lorraine Barlett
Elizabeth A. McLeod
Garon Muller

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Save the Date for Passing the Gavel

Please save the date for the Passing the Gavel Judges Reception for Thursday, August 19th at 5:30 p.m. at the Augusta Country Club.

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Save the Date

The Augusta Bar Association’s Annual Golf Tournament will be September 9th and the Gala will be the following evening, September 10th.

Additional details are forthcoming. We look forward to seeing you there.

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Augusta Bar Membership

Please send all forms to

[one_third][button link=”” size=”large” target=”_blank” color=”alternative-1″]2021 Dues Notice[/button][/one_third] [one_third][button link=”” size=”large” target=”_blank” color=”alternative-2″]New Member Application[/button][/one_third] [one_third_last][button link=”” size=”large” target=”_blank” color=”alternative-3″]Member Info Update[/button].[/one_third_last]

Please consider making a donation to the Georgia Legal Services Program when you submit your annual state bar dues form this year. GLSP provides civil legal services for those in need, helping ensure equal access to justice for all Georgians.

If you have not already done so, please submit your dues for 2021. Dues for 2021 are reduced to $100. Please submit your dues with the dues notice.

Please ensure your contact information for the Augusta Bar Directory Website is correct. To update your contact information with the Bar, please use the Member Info Update Form.
